Wild Wild Water

Music & lyric by Dieter Bohlen

   Sail across the universe
   All the magic here on earth
   Slipping and sliding
   Rolling and riding to you, my love
   Summer breeze reminded me 
   Love was wild and love was free
   Memories were hiding
   Baby, come riding to me

      Wild, wild water
      Brings me back to you, over and over
      Wild, wild water
      Babe, still missing you, over and over
      Wild, wild water
      Freeze the wind in the summer sky
      Wild, wild water
      Expect the love that just won't die

   Silver water - evening tide
   Brings that girl back to my side
   Slipping and sliding
   Rolling and riding to you, my love
   You'll be coming back some day
   To wild water, come what may
   Memories were hiding
   Baby, come on riding to me

Песня с альбома "Let's Talk About Love" (The 2nd Album'85).

Refrain - это припев (выделен курсивом).

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